IRC Kids is centered on helping parents to disciple their children to love God and to love others.

We believe that children can KNOW God intimately, GROW in their faith, and GO into the world to make a difference in the lives of others.

Sunday Mornings
Children’s Ministry meets every Sunday morning during the 9:30 AM and 11:00 AM worship services. Check-in opens 15 minutes before the service begins. After checking in, 1st–5th grade children will sit together in their own section for the worship portion of the service and then be dismissed to their classrooms for the remainder of the service.
Wednesday Nights
Our Wednesday Night Children’s Ministry meets from 6:15 PM to 8:00 PM for kids from toddlers through 5th grade. 1st–5th graders will take part in an engaging Bible study where they will learn about Jesus through interactive lessons and activities. Toddlers will enjoy a safe and fun environment with age-appropriate playtime. All children will also have time to play in the gym and connect with friends in a welcoming and encouraging space!